“Intentional” implies shared values. The following statement was written in the early years and has been revised so that it continues to serve us well.
Mission Statement
We are a diverse group of individuals,
called together to create a home.
We will companion one another
in forming just, mutual and interdependent relationships.
We respect our differences which foster strength and balance in community.
Our intentional presence to each other
in meals, celebrations and daily life,
is an offering of support and encouragement to each individual.
We embrace a consensus model of decision-making,
one that calls forth, hears and respects
the honest offerings of each person.
Our commitment of love and service to one another
nourishes and empowers us to challenge and transform
that which limits the potential of human beings.
We are committed to a simplicity of life,
to limiting our use of the world’s resources,
to using our goods wisely and well,
and to cultivating respect for the Earth.
We extend our hand in hospitality
by welcoming others to share in aspects of
our community life.
We challenge one another to be true to the Spirit of Sophia,
for which we are named,
as we live these hopes into being.
Articles About Us
See recent stories in Crain’s magazine and Chicago Tribune that talk about us.