Maybe I moved into this house because I really love people

I moved into this house a couple years ago, and I’ve been trying to understand why. Why seek out community in this brave new age? Why endure the tedium of business meetings, the unpleasantness of inexplicit conflict that erupts when ignored for so long? Why deny yourself solitude in such a noisome world? Maybe practical […]

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Retreats are Priceless
Group photo

Retreats are one of the major bonding activities our community engages in. They are a time for fun, spontaneity, long meals, walks along the beach, and deliberate consideration of issues facing the community. Lisa has gone away twice a year for almost 25 years for our weekend retreats, and she still finds them enjoyable and […]

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Kids in Community
Julia and Sophia in boat

We are the children who have lived in Sophia Community for the longest, in fact, for our whole lives. Julia was born in Quaker House in 2001, and Sophia was born just down the hall in 2008. Our parents are Lisa and Don, who made the decision to raise us in community.  We love living […]

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