Recruitment Time

It’s recruitment time again. At our April retreat, two members announced that they would be leaving over the summer. While some community members stay for a long time, our median stay is only two years. There have been very few years in our 25 year history when at least one person has not moved out. […]

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Holiday Hospitality
Group at tables

Lisa loves Christmas trees. One year, we had three in the house, but this year, she is content with one. It is not just the smell of fir resin in the air or the beauty of the lights in the dark of winter that appeals, but the opportunity to throw a party. Our community tree […]

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The Flavor of Our Life Together
backyard meal

What is it like to live in Sophia Community, on a day-to-day basis? What is the rhythm and flavor of our life together? On Sundays and Wednesday evenings, we eat together. We take it in turns to cook these community meals, with the cook determining the menu. We begin the meal with prayer, led by […]

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